Monday, December 31, 2007
Maleah's Room
Maleah had the most beautiful bedding on her bed, but she ruined it by cutting it, ripping it, coloring on it, etc.

I love My Melody! :)

I went to Wal Mart with this bedding in mind. We had seen it before and Maleah loved it. When I went back to get it I couldn't find it. I had given up and bought something else and then I found it in the clearance section. :D I got a great deal on it.
From Fun Fairies:

To My Melody:

Saturday, December 29, 2007
I have been wanting to write but I have been so busy doing stuff like playing video games and board games. :) I got some great stuff for Christmas but couldn't fit it all here so I have created a top ten list. In no particular order:
^ From Tre

^ From Dad

^ From Grandmom

^ From Mama Ginny

^ From Somer

^ From Somer

^ From Somer

^ From Ron

^ From Ron

^ From Mom
Things I got that aren't mine but that I love anyway:

^ For Tre's PSP we got him* but I play it more than him

^ Maleah's Midnight Dreamz Bratz doll that we got for her, but is living on my dresser because she's beauiful and Maleah wouldn't take care of her
And finally, here are my beauiful children on Christmas Eve

( I saw someone else add notes to their blog this way and I thought it was cool)
* Tre had his PSP for two days and Maleah decided to wash it in the sink. It was completely ruined. Our friend Robby took it home and replaced some wires and stuff and got it working again. I was so happy. She also took her Loving Family Doll House and all the rooms we bought for it and colored them. It looks like crap. Sometimes I don't know what to do with her.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I was thinking that I might fly todayJust to disprove all the things that you say
It doesn't take a talent to be mean
Your words can crush things that are unseen
So please be careful with me
I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way
You always tell me that it's impossible
To be respected and be a girl
Whys it got to be so complicated?
Why you gotta tell me if I'm hated?
Please be careful with me
I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way
I was thinking that it might do some good
If we robbed the cynics and took all their food
That way what they believe will have taken place
And we'll give it to everybody who'd had some fate
Please be careful with me
I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way
I have this theory that if we're told we're bad
Then that's the only idea we'll ever have
Maybe if we are surrounded in beauty
Someday we will become what we say
Cause anyone can start a conflict
Its harder yet to disregard it
I'd rather see the world from another angle
We are everyday angels
Be careful with me
Cause I'd like to stay that way
Near You Always
Please don't say "I love you"Those words touch me much too deeply
My core trembles
Don't think you realize the effect you have over me
And please don't look at me like that
It just makes me want to make you near me always
Please don't kiss me so sweet
It makes me crave a thousand kisses to follow
And please don't touch me like that
Makes every other embrace seem pale and shallow
And please don't come so close
It just makes me want to make you near me always
Please don't bring me flowers
They only whisper the sweet things you'd say
And don't try to understand me
Your hands already know too much anyway
Makes me want to make you near me always
And when you look in my eyes
Please know my heart is in your hands
It's nothing that I understand
But in your arms you have complete power over me
So be gentle if you please
Cause your hands are in my hair
But my heart is in your teeth baby
And it makes me want to make you near me always
Your hands are in my hair
But my heart is in your teeth
And it makes me want to make you near me always
Want to be near you always
Want to be near you always
Want to be near you always
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
These are some magnets that I made for Ron for Christmas.
I made them from those perler beads that you put on a pegboard and iron together. The pegboard was tiny so I had to keep ironing it and then shifting it around. What a pain.
I'm still trying to decide if I should make more. I may add more to the Mario theme or I might do a Dragon Warrior set (his fav.) If I have time I also might make some Bubble Bobble ones for my sister.
Labels: craft
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Bedroom Part 1
I am done with one part of my bedroom. I have to get it finished and then I will come back and edit this post. This is really embarassing. :O

I am finally finished!

Saturday, December 15, 2007
First entry, interesting day
So this is one of many many blogs I have created. The difference in this one and the others is that this one is for no-one but me. I have always made blogs with other people in mind. I have always tried to make them about a certain topic. Usually dieting. This one is about whatever is on my mind. (My kids, my many failed attempts at dieting, bentos I make, crafts I may create, decorating I may do, things I want to buy, my ongoing struggle to keep my house in some kind of order, etc.)First off on the way home from the mall today some asshole decided that he didn’t like my driving I guess, so he followed me all the way to the road my mom lives on. I pulled off on a side road and when he finally turned around I decided to follow him to his house. Not safe but I don’t think rationally when I’m pissed off. Once I flipped some guy off and honked my horn at him for passing me. When I got to the red light up the road he got out of his car and walked back to my car and stood by my window. He could have shot me. I have to be more careful.
Then on my way home I passed the McDonalds up the road and it was completely burning down. It wasn’t on the news but it was a HUGE fire. They had half the road blocked off and there were tons of firetrucks, ambulances, etc. I don’t think it will be opening back up any time soon. When I looked in the windows all I could see was black smoke.
Then I got down the road a little more, almost home and I saw about 10 or 15 more cop cars. They stopped me and I thought it was just a random license check but then I realized it probably wasn’t. There were like 25 cops standing in the road. They had all the surrounding roads blocked off. Then I saw an inmate transport bus. I think someone might have escaped or something. I have to get a newspaper.
Then I came home and watched the season finale of Kid Nation finally. I swear I don’t think I have ever cried like that watching a show. It must be my love for children. I cried so hard I could barely breathe. LOL I was proud of those kids like they were my own. I am going to miss that show.
I wanted to end with a picture of the adorable Hello Kitty bag my mom bought me for Christmas tonight but I couldn’t find one.
Tomorrow I am going to do the unthinkable, because this blog is for me. I am going to post pictures of this hellhole I call home. I would die of embarrassment if anyone saw my house right now. I plan on them being before pictures. I will have to get something accomplished tomorrow. Christmas is like 10 days away. I am off work until January 2nd and I don’t plan on going back with my house in this shape.
See ya tomorrow blog.
PS This is the third time i have posted this on three different blog sites. I think I will stick with blogger.
Here is the cute pocketbook. :) Hello Kitty is sewing a doll!