Saturday, December 29, 2007
I have been wanting to write but I have been so busy doing stuff like playing video games and board games. :) I got some great stuff for Christmas but couldn't fit it all here so I have created a top ten list. In no particular order:
^ From Tre

^ From Dad

^ From Grandmom

^ From Mama Ginny

^ From Somer

^ From Somer

^ From Somer

^ From Ron

^ From Ron

^ From Mom
Things I got that aren't mine but that I love anyway:

^ For Tre's PSP we got him* but I play it more than him

^ Maleah's Midnight Dreamz Bratz doll that we got for her, but is living on my dresser because she's beauiful and Maleah wouldn't take care of her
And finally, here are my beauiful children on Christmas Eve

( I saw someone else add notes to their blog this way and I thought it was cool)
* Tre had his PSP for two days and Maleah decided to wash it in the sink. It was completely ruined. Our friend Robby took it home and replaced some wires and stuff and got it working again. I was so happy. She also took her Loving Family Doll House and all the rooms we bought for it and colored them. It looks like crap. Sometimes I don't know what to do with her.